


United Arab Bank renews payment processing deal with Network International

Published On : May / 09 / 2024

Renewal to expand longstanding collaboration

United Arab Bank (UAB), one of the longstanding home-grown banks in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has renewed its credit card processing agreement with Network International (Network), the leading enabler of digital commerce across the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, and has further expanded the partnership to include debit card processing within the Network One platform. The renewed agreement allows UAB to offer its customers a centralised solution for cards processing that is flexible, efficient, and scalable.

Shirish Bhide, Chief Executive Officer, United Arab Bank, said, “Over the years, our longstanding partnership with Network International has contributed positively to UAB’s growth. The new agreement adds to this momentum, combining Network’s card processing capabilities with UAB’s banking expertise, allowing us to provide the best banking services to our customers.”

Emre Yalcin, Head of Retail Banking at United Arab Bank, added, “Our continued collaboration with Network exhibits our commitment to putting the latest technology at the heart of all our services and solutions. By leveraging Network International’s technology, we aim to enhance our clients’ experience, while driving operational efficiency. I'm confident that our renewed partnership will play a pivotal role in UAB's journey in delivering best-in-class solutions for our customers during an era of digital transformation.”

Nandan Mer, Group Chief Executive Officer, Network International, commented: “Network has been UAB’s partner since 1995. We are delighted to support their growth strategy by expanding on our existing relationship. As a leading digital payments company serving over 200 financial institutions and 120,000 merchants, we are confident this enhanced arrangement will enable UAB to offer immense value to its card customers.”